Harold Coat: $267
..a little something I threw together :)

This is your brain on BECK'S.
Charlie My Love
Boutique Crawl 2009!
In NYC? Join Lucky for our boutique crawl tomorrow night! Meet the editors, shop, get amazing discounts and more! http://crawl.luckymag.com
"Life is such a fxcking roller coaster then it drops. ..But what should
I scream for?! ...This is my Theme Park!" - Weezy
Words that Spoke to Me.
...the only thing is, I am no longer a teen, I'm a 22 year old who's working hard within to find who she truly is and what she truly wants. I can't embrace the Drama and the fact that I'm vulnerable when it comes to lies. ...Though hard, I'm pretty much trying to come to terms with the fact that I don't know for sure, who my friends are. [& this doesn't apply to all] - it def. applies to a once significant, few. etc. etc.
&& I present to you...

iSTYLE by Ti.Erra featuring Zimmermann
Barbie Girls!
"Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days when I was six and my biggest problem was what kind of dress to put on Barbie or whether or not I had enough Legos to build a fort"
Spiritual State of Mind
I've enjoyed everything that I read, but I have to say it's almost a bit overwhelming for me. & I don't want this to sound weird or anything but I am 100% sure that God is speaking to me. I feel like the posts that I have been reading were his way of initiating a pow wow between he and I.
Although I may pray everyday, and that counts as conversation, it's really a one way thing. It's me speaking to him. ...Getting a response is nothing new to me but today, I sincerely feel as if he sat me down in all seriousness and spoke to me.
...what did I receive from it? -- "I have given you life, provided you with many gifts, many talents, utilize them! There is nothing in life that is greater than me, fear nothing and no one! Rid yourself of negativity and continue to surround yourself with well-doers. I am aware of your dreams, I paint those pictures. I am aware of your obstacles, I coordinate those struggles. I do this for your Growth. No one loves you more than I, not him, not them, not even yourself. ...continue to Pray and keep faith. ...know that I am holding your hand, even when I'm not"
...and then I headed over to another great blog, and I found this ....
meet me in the stairwell.
You say you will never forget where you were when >>> you heard the news On September 11, 2001. >>>Neither will I. >>>>>> I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room >>> with a man who called his wife to say 'Good-Bye.' I >>> held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the >>> peace to say, 'Honey, I am not going to make it, but it >>> is OK..I am ready to go.' >>>>>> I was with his wife when he called as she fed >>> breakfast to their children. I held her up as she >>> tried to understand his words and as she realized >>> he wasn't coming home that night. I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a >>> woman cried out to Me for help. 'I have been >>> knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!' I said. >>> 'Of course I will show you the way home - only >>> believe in Me now.' >>>>>> I was at the base of the building with the Priest >>> ministering to the injured and devastated souls. >>> I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He >>> heard my voice and answered. I was on all four of those planes, in every seat, >>> with every prayer. I was with the crew as they >>> were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the >>> believers there, comforting and assuring them that their >>> faith has saved them. >>>>>> I was in Texas , Virginia , California , Michigan , Afghanistan . >>> I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news. >>> Did you sense Me? >>>>>> I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew >>> every name - though not all knew Me. Some met Me >>> for the first time on the 86th floor.. Some sought Me with their last breath.. >>> Some couldn't hear Me calling to them through the >>> smoke and flames; 'Come to Me... this way... take >>> my hand.' Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me. >>>But, I was there. >>>>>> I did not place you in the Tower that day. You >>> may not know why, but I do. However, if you were >>> there in that explosive moment in time, would you have >>> reached for Me? >>> >>> Sept. 11, 2001, was not the end of the journey >>> for you. But someday your journey will end. And I >>> will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may >>> be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are >>> 'ready to go.' I will be in the stairwell of your final moments. >>>>>> God>>> During the next 60 seconds, stop whatever you are >>> doing, and take this opportunity. (Literally it >>> is only 1 minute.) All you have to do is the >>> following: >>>>>> Stop and think and appreciate God's power >>> in your life, for doing what you know is pleasing to >>> Him. If you are not ashamed to do this, follow the >>> instructions. Jesus said, 'If you are ashamed of Me, I will be >>> ashamed of you before My Father.' If you are not ashamed, copy and send this message...only >>> if you believe 'Yes, I love my God. He is my >>> fountain of Life and My Savior. He Keeps me going day and >>> night. Without Him, I am no one. But with Him, I can do >>> everything. Christ is my strength.'
There is an instant cut-off, so if you think you may regret your words/actions post their revelation -- I suggest you make a pros and cons chart before they hit the surface.
I am not rude. Maybe once I'm provoked, but hardly ever "just because" and even when I'm provoked, I laugh first. [lol]
Guy says to me "Go get some d*ck, you lesbo" lmao. That's over the top for me.
& the fact that it's someone that I know, kinda tripped me out.
Now, I started to say "Help me to understand what the fuck my penile intake has to do with YOU! ...Yea, I'm 22 -- and yea, I'm a virgin but when shit pops off, you're no where near qualified to be added to my list of f_cks ANYWAY." ...tell em why you mad now!
...I said what I had to say though and he retorted with something equally rude while I was in the process of sending him to the nearest trash recepticle.
I don't have time for this. It's wack as hell. Don't come to me all crazy and do keep in mind that behind all of the LoL's and Lmao's, there's a b*tch waiting to be unleashed. She's not in my everyday life because having a nasty attitude is nothing cute to exude but she's well prepped. know that.
...the goings on
Yesterday, I hit the city pavement with my good friend Sincere. It's been a while since I've actually been out to chill, just shoot the breeze. We hit up Washington Sq. park, where we sat and watched millions of strollers pass by with the cutest kids. -- We didn't plan to go sight-seeing for babies, they were just there, but I enjoyed them. I love kids.
It wasn't long after we sat that we decided to leave. I wanted to shop, so that's what we did. However, I couldn't find much.
I won't say that the experience was a wreck though, I did manage to find a great pair of jeans in Uniqlo and I neeever go in there - but a chick got desperate, then lucky. The bugged thing is, my jeans are a size zero! I have never in life worn a zero, so when the first leg went in without a problem, I nearly keeled over. I want to believe they run big. zero, is damn near non-existent [no offense]. ...but hey, I look swexy - so my complaining ends here.
After that lil trip, we got some grub [pizza for him and a disgusting leafy salad for me]. You're probably like, well that explains the zero. ...shakes head NO! It was a random act for me. I'm working on eating healthy so I thought I'd go green instead of getting my usual two slices. -_- Salad's cool and all but that mess was horrid. I literally felt as if I were eating grass, weeds and trea leafs all at once. ...& on top of it all it was dry. [$5 in the trash!].
At that point I've had just about enough of Manhattan. My body was was cursing me out in soreness, so I went to Duane Reade, bought my essentials - found Jay on the cover of XXL [bougt that!] and of course the October issue of Marie Claire [after a few flip throughs I was sold].
The rest of my night consisted of me making sweet, sweet love to my four pillows and comforter. I THOUGHT I knew what it meant to be sleepy. I sent out text messages and fell out a good 2 minutes after, according to the time on the replies.
..okay I'm rambling.Goodbye.
..what you do to me. "you" being, you!
...Inspire. Inspire, is what my friends do as I follow their success journey while I simultaneously climb to great heights. Inspire, is what Jay-Z does everytime I listen to a track from any of his 11 albums. Inspire, is what Rihanna does with every 'fit that she don's and every hairstyle she effortlessly owns. I am inspired by many people and many things, all of which are great in their own way. These people whether I know them or not are dear to me because they give me a rush. They give me confidence to do, not necessarily what they're doing, but my own thing. ...My goal, is to be apart of someone elses inspirational hall of fame just as they are apart of mine.
..BeautyLicious: Lip Care..

To tell or Not to Tell ...
Let's say you're a virgin.
When exactly do you spill the beans to a guy? ..Is it something that you keep to yourself? ..or something you willingly share?
..this is how I see it.
A virgin is who I am and it normally isn't something that I keep in my coat's inner pocket. I recently had a conversation with a newbie [someone that I'm still getting to know] and somewhere in the middle of our 7hr convo -- my sexual status came up.
"I am a virgin" is of course what I said, with no hesitation - yet I know that some people think it's wise to keep that to themselves, fearing that they'll seem dull or be rejected.
I've had my share of guys who received the news and assumed one of two things. 1. That I was completely ignorant to what goes on in our sexually active world or 2. That I was simply stiff ...sometimes both.
I could care less about either. It is what it is.
..but contrary to popular belief, virgins know alot more about sex, than you think. If you aren't doing it, you're for sure going to read about it, watch it and of course ask questions - especially since you can't escape it. Sex is everywhere.
I'm not telling you to blurt out "hey, my name is ... and I'm a virgin" as you're shaking his hand but...do tell. what's the secret? ....everyone's humping - you, stand out. That's always great, no?
BP3. Jay-z. MSG. = FTmfnW!
Do you see this?!
This was last night at MSG! ..& I was sooo not in the building.
As you may know, my uncle put together last night's concert to raise money for the victims of 9/11.
The day the tickets went on sale, I was up at 8:45 waiting to receive them and of course that was a fail. I could'nt believe it. How could I not be there rocking with The Best to ever do it - in LIFE?!
.sense has yet to be made.
I would like to send a HUGE thank you to Fuse tho. Thanks to them, I was able to tune in and BOY, did I rock out.
He opened with "Empire State of Mind" and I swear, I cried. At that moment, I was mooore than upset. I was hurt. I looove Jay. No one knows how deep it goes. I speak highly of him, yea, but that's not even the jest of how I feel for this guy.
...but anyway.
Rihanna, Yeezy, Swizzy, Cudi and Bey came out and rocked. Of course, Bleek was there. -_-
and Puff made an appearance as well. Can't forget John Mayer, he killed it on his guitar.
I wasn't there, but I had fun :) I threw heels on and everything. [had to get in the groove the right way]
...&& if you haven't purchased BP3 yet, step away from this blog and move "on to the next one!"
Recent Buy/Wrist Candy!
So, as you know from last post, I've been searching for a sweet piece of wrist candy to call my own.
Now, I've seen many yummy watches but the prices weren't too easy to digest.
Seeing as though, a gold watch was on my Fall list of Things to Buy - I decided, this morning, to get a head start on that.
First stop, Timex. There I found a reaally cute digital indiglo that was about $40.00 and a classic mens dress watch for the same price. They were cute, had alot of style but failed to win me over. Shopping the site, did however, convince me that I wanted an expansion band for my watch. <>
During my search, I found a link for Pulsar watches. I can't say that I was too familiar with the brand before today but I did see a few watches that I liked and the prices were extremely reasonable.
The watch that you see above... that's my new baby! No, it's not as DOPE as a Storm or a Michael Kors, but it's cute, simply, classy and it gets the job done.
I can't wait to Accessorize!
...Anoname Poem
No Pain.
& I’m forced to wonder why.
It just boggles me how you could really love a guy then be left with nothing inside, post you guys’ indirect goodbyes.
I assume there is no room for sorrow
When today, just like yesterday is expected to mimic tomorrow
And that is, with no HIM in sight
I consider the way I felt to be the biggest plight in my life thus far
Ive never struggled with something that was feather light
Nor have I ever lost anything that felt so right
I suppose sense is made when I think of being blinded by something that shined so bright
Something that clearly only shined within me
Within my heart
I suppose my illuminating light was mistaken for yours
And I added loving me to your list of chores
Maybe that was something that you considered a bore
Just wasn’t into
Too bad your actions didn’t always say that
I wish there was a vhs labeled U&I so that I could play it back
And ask… what was that about?
Show me the misunderstanding
I’d show you the many times I was turned off
The many times I felt another
The days I strictly wanted to be friends, hate you, call you my big brother
Then show you how I couldn’t because of how much I loved ya.
I’d show you the many times we chilled when the chemistry was crazy
When my pride took a hike and I told you I loved you, called you my baby
You see, these aren’t things that I say for kicks
Self-expression should be free but it isn’t
For me, it takes time and time we had a lot of
But you, had more than enough time to say what was REALLY on your mind
More than enough time to avoid wasting mine
Seeing as though, you were well aware of how I felt and how deep it went
Why would you even allow time to be spent?
What’s the point of saying you love me?
Why do/say ANYTHING?
“we could never be a dead end”
..you always think of me
…this isn’t even the jest of how I feel.
I smile everyday though. …couldn’t be more ‘relaxed’.
Newly Addicted! [Storm watches]
I was introduced to the brand while perusing through my September issue of Elle. As I looked for ways to pair all black pieces, I stumbled upon a serious hot pink watch that was unbelievably priced at 70 euros.
Upon sight, I felt as if I should have it. So, I went to the site to see the rest of the hype and instead of a frilly hot pink watch, I was put in an instant headlock when I saw this baby!
For about…FOREVER, I’ve been searching for a meeean dose of wrist candy. I’ve stepped inside of Soho’s Michael Kors boutique where I tried on a big face rose gold watch that I was conveting at the moment. I’ve even been playing with the idea of getting a mens Timex in gold – for $70, but I have yet to do so.
There seems to be a gold watch on the wrist of all those who KNOW what time it is, except mine.
Time for a change, eh?! ….YAHHHH!
& I suggest you grab yourself a gold something as well, who cares what brand it is, or how much bread you shell out. It’s a “Just Do It!” kinda thing. It’s a staple for crying out loud!