Listen to the click of my heels, make out my beat! ...Take a look at my exterior, tell me what you see! Live through my poems, dissect my speech! ...But do keep in mind, none of these define me! - SincereLee, Tierra


Nail Art!

I'm Baaaaaaaaack! lol
Pardon my absence and admire my nails! ...shall we?!
For the longest I've been into short square tips [always french manicured] ...that is until I got into the whole round tip w. solid color look. It may just be me, but it looks waaay more feminine than the other.
This time around, instead of simply doing a solid color, I added a design.
I hate bugs but this spider on my pointer is giving me fever! I love it. [on some hold my hand out and stare type sh*t]
whatcha think?! ..share some of your designs if you have pics of any.


  1. them shits are long as hell!
    well actually ive been bitin my nails since forever sooo everytime i get them done i cant fuction lol. damnit i need to update my blog.
    but i like that spidahhh. its spicy!

  2. lol. I think it's cuz I gave em the OD close-up! I can't function w. long nails either.

    ...&& you must update! ..we must! I enjoyed the cackles.

    ...spidey sends love! lol
