Eva The Diva!

..::Stylista of the Day::..
Can We Live?!
As I restart my browser - AOL pops up on the homepage.
Many, if not all of you - should be familiar w. this routine and if so I'm pretty sure that you guys came across the headline "Who Needs a Black Princess Anyway?"
Now, I hardly ever read their articles and feel the need to engage - but I'm both black and royal [you knew I'd say that?! lol] and I have an opinion that needs to be voiced.
According to Alexis Stodghill, reporter at BV-BLACK SPiN, no one seems to be satisfied w. what's being made of Disney's first animated feature which happens to be starring a black princess.
Honestly, this doesn't even come as a surprise to me. It's been an on-going thing for centuries - wanna surprise me - seize the BS! [now, that's putting on a show!]
Writer of The Root, Monique Fields, asked the question "Who needs a black princess anyway?"
I need a black princess.
Little girls need a black princess.
&& an example of why - I am African-African and as a child I loooved to watch ABC's Full House. Like every other little girl, I had dolls - both black and white - tons of Disney movies [all starring white princesses]. I grew up around both black and white ppl. However, I went to school one day and told my Kingergarten class mates -"I don't like black people." My teacher [Mrs. Roper] told my mother what was said and when my mother asked why, my response was "black people steal and their dirty". [she was of course blown - but she taught me better]
&& it's not as if I was in a negative household, I was simply expressing what I saw from what I believe to be television. I don't ever recall watching programs that were too advanced for my age so I don't want ppl to point the finger at mommy for not censoring my intake. You have to keep in mind - you can set your tv on channel 7 for One Saturday Morning, specifically for cartoons but like everyone - these stations have bills to pay and you have no control over what commercials are being played [promo's for drug flicks - action flicks etc.]
Getting to the point - Although I watched Disney movies for entertainment rather than politics - it doesn't justify the fact that I grew up w.o. an animated figure that represented me - someone that I can relate to. I loved Cinderella and Snow White etc. but thinking back to me saying silly stuff like "white ppl are clean and yadda yadda" gives me enough to KNOW that kids are very receptive to their surroundings. We'd like to assume that they don't understand - they don't think that deep but they honestly do.
Princess Tiana was made to help children better understand interracial relationships [seeing as though her prince is not of African-American decent.] and to paint the impression that princesses are born in different colors - but African-Americans have graced this earth for Decades - did it really have to take 70 yrs for someone to pull the cord for that light-bulb to shine?!
That's simply how I feel - Here's what other's had to say -->
"Kids don't see things in black or white, they are such fabulous HUMANS that they see everyone as equal no matter what color until adults TEACH them otherwise. Who cares if she is Black or Asian, or Hispanic? Diversity is good and what our world is made up of. When will we ever learn?"
"Excuse me? Real Princess? All little girls are princesses! It just not right for her to have a white prince. Give her a black prince. Thats showing little kids to like others from their race its not right at all. This is one disney movie I will never let my little girl watch! Bad disney!"
"I would suggest that Disney is trying to kill two birds with one stone, it is far more controversial to have a mixed couple on TV than not, so I would suggest you open your mind a small bit and see what is actually being done here. If you're trying to find major fault in a children’s cartoon I want to remind you, it’s a cartoon, and since no one here knows the storyline yet I don't think any of us can pinpoint exactly what Disney will do with its first mixed couple. (For the record I think the male character should be purple, and they should make him share as many ethnic features with as humanly possible)
How do you feel?!
Is Love a Losing Game?
As I sit here, letting both the video and the quote resonate in my mind - I question whether or not LOVE is indeed a losing game.
& as I question myself, I look for answers in others... {Courtesy of Twitter}
..Here's what they had to say..
@KoFiBaBy @tierra_Leone not at all...love is something only winners can feel its a foreign emotion at times but its in the air for the majority
@SwanksGoLightly @tierra_Leone I personally don't look for it, it'll find me && I always see the glass as half full
Anonymous Tweet: I wouldn't say a losing game. It's def a LEARNING game and something we all should experience. The good, bad, and ugly.and lastly, I'm sure you guys have all heard this one before...
@ChrisGrandMusic @tierra_Leone It is better to have loved and lost than to have not loved at all.
As we all know, there is no right or wrong answer to this question - and it posed to simply compare the views of others.
My Personal Opinion: Love is something beautiful - familiar yet very unknown or as @Kofibaby put it, a foreign emotion. I thought those words, were so fitting for it's description seeing as tho it is a feeling that is very hard to distinguish [it's easier to think you're in love than to truly know]. It feels soo good that when you get a taste of something sensationally close to what love is - you immediately dub it as that - because it is in fact a group that everyone wants to be apart of. It's a game that we all want to dabble in - at least once w/ or w/o the knowledge of what it takes to stay in. It's a fight that many gear up for, one that many take on w.o protection - the loser, isn't even he who backs down - I honestly believe that "the loser" is nonexistent. This may sound cliche but I am a believer of the saying "there's someone for everyone" - the loser would be he who is both not loved and incapable of loving - and there is no such person in existence.
I think some ppl feel as if they've lost when they've loved and lost a significant other but I believe differently. I see love to be many things. We can call it a game, a puzzle, a fight - love is life, and I don't believe there is an ending to one's life. You don't love someone [like, truly love them] and simply stop because you two parted ways - just as the only thing put to rest is your outer shell [body] when you die. Your spirit lives on and those who lost you - those who truly loved you - never forget - they never stop loving you and I don't believe you ever stop loving either. It's a difficult emotion to part with - which is why hate is such an easy emotion to adopt.
but the real question [provoked by the quote] is - With love being all of these things - in what case is it worth fighting for?
Girl Talk
Mental, physical, and emotional impurities.
Eating away at your beautiful structure while simultaneously dulling your luster.
All of which is under your will.
And I ask myself - for whom do we kill?
You were beautifully birthed to grace this earth - yet you eagerly await your doom.
Why diminish your worth?
When you were perfectly priced to never be afforded.
Take care within and of the life you were awarded.
<3 - Feel Me. [cont.]2
& the killer. - the real axe murderer - the reason why heart condoms are essential!!!! = not one time did I hear "well, I don't feel that way", nor have I received any verbally direct messages that screams - beat it ma. [that's a foul way of living if you ask me]
I don't have the patience to deal w. knowing that someone likes/loves me and not telling them that the feeling isn't mutual. I think some ppl feel that you can only say things like that in a neg. way. No, it intends to come out nice and it often does - it's just negatively received most times because of course, that's not what the other person wants to hear. ...fuck a feeling. I can care less about a wet face. If I cry - that's my business. I'm sad? - Im entitled to shed a tear. Just respect me enough to be straight forward. The run-around? that's what I don't need. I can afford to be spared. I'd rather deal w. being a bit aggy that we couldn't see eye to eye on the collabo [that is to be 'u & i'] but that's something that a chick can and will get over. How do you cope w. a Question Mark?
He's being sweet - yall hang - doing shit that friends just don't do [doesn't have to be sex]. - yet there is no solidity in what you have. what do you have? - you don't know. ..You just know that you like how he makes you feel and how he makes you feel that he likes the way you make him feel. ...a tongue twister, wasn't it?! - it was meant to be so. Although that may be the situation - a bunch of like and smiles - your still lost in what u are/aren't. there's still a "?" - even if it is wrapped in fun dates and kisses. All of that time spent - means what? - It can mean the world to you but what does that equate to if he's not putting up for the equation?
..food for thought. ...[there's more]
- xoxo
<3 - Feel Me. [cont.]
Felt differently for them all but loving them all? - I know nothing about that.
My first bf was in highschool - it was the closest thing to a serious relationship that I've ever had. ..lasting two years. When I felt that strong feeling for him - I thought I loved him. I told him so and vice versa but as you grow, you learn [at least that's usually the plan]. I've basically summed the whole emotional sector of our relationship to be a very deep 'like'. I w/o a doubt cared for him but I can honestly say that it wasn't love.
& it took this new [not new at all - just the latest] feeling to determine that. It's a - leave [for a prd of time] and return w. the same strong feeling - type of feeling. ...That write you off only to resign you w. no regrets type of feeling. That - I feel this way and would love for you to feel the same way too, but can deal w. you not seeing my vision for us - type of feeling.
W. my first bf - I never felt that. so I thought it was love because before him - I never felt what I felt for him. && then I think if the person that I'm loving doesn't love me back and feelings only get better than this - Maybe this isn't the love Im looking for and from him, I appreciate the lack of.
I write poems constantly - love poems, mostly. && they often have nothing to do w. who's in the picture [if anyone]. - I mean its a good chance that they will reflect our involvement but when I speak deeply of love - BE CLEAR - its toward one person, and one person only.
I liked him - loved when I knew I loved him - and as much as I would love to forget him at times - it is inevitable and I kinda like that. It means, my heart isn't working for nothing. & I'm often reminded of that - everytime I get the urge to type "fuck you!" or some other reckless ish.
When I told myself in the beginning of the yr. that I was cutting all ties - I knew this wasn't a hoax. It was real shit. & for a few mths - I stood strong on that. - Until I softened up - and tried to tell myself - the only reason Im even engaging in convo w. him is because I don't care anymore - so why not speak if ur not mad. [I G'd it.] I cared - just psyched myself out. [not too hard]
The worst is when you un-psych. I un-psyched today. I got emotional and literally told my chica everything there is to know [[-] minor details] about us - startin from the introduction - to the 1st date - up until now. Her reactions to the memories- made me smile. I drew mental pictures of each story and I blushed on the inside.
&& you won't believe it but - this here post - this is me psyching. [to be cont.]
<3 - Feel Me.
I really miss what Love was
though I love what it's become
& I love you like you're 'the one'
& I love how I don't know
& how that doesn't stop my show
& more so, how I glow
everytime I think of loving you
everytime I think of hugging you
and when I thought I could get over you
that's when I knew how much I dug you
cuz it wasn't easy - until it was
& when it was
my heart never stopped
though we rocked from a distance
I knew, almost instantly what you meant to me
we began as friends, then it felt like you were kin to me
& as gross as it sounds, I was all for the incest
I was so up to invest - almost all of my time
if I could...
into what I believe wouldve been the best merge since the best merge
whatever that is
secretly, I dream of us having kids
growing old together til your bald and Im forced to wear a wig ~.~
no teeth - diaper wearing - still sharing love
cuz you are my baby - and I am your lady
or at least I was
Before the calls stopped
and the messages began
when the calls stopped - thats when I knew I was your friend
Thats when I knew we had to end
I didn't feel I was able
to say I was okay would be a tall tale = fable.
True story = I want you now, the way I wanted you then.
Love is as Love does - Follow the trend.
-this is all me - feel free to disect.
Janet Jackson - Warmth
"Warmth", a track on Janet Jackson's eighth LP: Damita Jo, has to be one of the most sexiest songs ever.
When I first heard this song, I didn't pay too much attention - all I knew ..it had a good groove and I liked it.
That is until I actually took time out to listen to the lyrics - then I lovved it.
&& not because I realized it was about sex - it is simply a sexy song.
The lyrics are raunchy as hell [lol] but she sings it in a way that makes it all sound sweet.
[contaminated thoughts ~.~]
mosey on now...