Listen to the click of my heels, make out my beat! ...Take a look at my exterior, tell me what you see! Live through my poems, dissect my speech! ...But do keep in mind, none of these define me! - SincereLee, Tierra


Nail Art!

Been gone for a minute but I'm Back - w. the nail art!
..As you can see, I changed it up a bit. [square tip]
color's the same - pink is simply sweet on me
&& the placement of my design - middle finger [ for obvious reasons] lol
she gets it ---> @swanksgolightly
..follow her on Twitter btw - cuz I said so =)
...Oh! & FTR: these are MY nails [just happy to say so]

1 comment:

  1. it! I dont even like pink, but I love that shade. I dont get my nails done too much like I used to, because I have to travel downtown or to the city to get them done because these chinese ppl around me are dirty I stay getting nail infections ::YUCK!:: Nasty nail infections that turn your nails green and leave a bad odor and then make your entire nail fall off! GROSS!! didnt mean to gross you
