Listen to the click of my heels, make out my beat! ...Take a look at my exterior, tell me what you see! Live through my poems, dissect my speech! ...But do keep in mind, none of these define me! - SincereLee, Tierra


When in Rome, do like... Nike??

just do it Pictures, Images and Photos

Idk but, I often wonder if the preservation of one's virginity has become overrated.

I've been in this box for 22 yrs, w. no real purpose of maxin' in it besides the fact that I've yet to find anyone who can REV up my sexual engines and most importantly RE-effin'-SPECT me at the same time.

I often find, or assume [doubt I'm assuming tho] that the few dudes that Ive wanted to get dirty w. have all had a one track mind. ...> "SNACKS!" Through deep observation of each of my fella's actions, I've been led to believe that they were merely out for their milk and nookie - which is uhh...WACK! and the greatest turn off of all.

...&& while we're on the subject of turn-off's ...I'm usually always turned the heck off. I mean, I'll feel the lil sensation below the belt [my belt] and we'll be good but true to life, one false move and I'm done for days!!

Tip: I'm big on pleasing. I loove to see you squirm from a touch or w.e. you guys do when you like something, it is SUCH a turn on. ...but above all else TAKE YOUR TIME [for obvious reasons]. I mean, if the pearly gates were open, then all that off the hook ish would be okay every now and then but you will under no circumstances murder me in an attempt to satisfy your lil willy. [ not gon' happen...Never! ~ new-new voice] - I need to know that you're not out for yourself [[chicks get paid for you to be selfish...if that's how you're living - put food on her table]].

but umm...

I kind of, almost, sort of think that I'm sexually self-destructive [lmao]. Being as tho I'm all V'd up, I do think deep while in the mood because it's a 1st time experience. You don't know what's gonna happen next. I'm tryna think 'mmm' but I wind up thinking 'ouch', which confirms the saying, "what you think is what you do". When I'm self-pleas'n, it's soo quick and fun and slightly explosive. of those [go back for 5ths type feelings] and I'm sure it's because I'm more relaxed and focused on the pleasureable reward. [sigh]

..may need to do a tutorial..

Keeping it Funky: I want IT! [that good good]. && I want it soon. ...but will wait for necessary reasons.

I won't lower my standards of wanting such and such before I allow it to happen. I mean shit, I still want to be able to say I lost it to "..." and be okay w. it. Death to regrets!!



  1. if you're referring to what i think....DONT DO IT ! LOL. men are so ...the most even the ones who we really think are worth usually arent. smh but this was deep and very thought provoking. havent been on my blog game for a while but i need to get it together.

  2. Anonymous8:50:00 PM

    This post is soooooo on point.

    'I'm usually always turned the heck off'<<<< me too! And if I'm not turned off I'm annoyed. Its like every guy I meet can't hold my interest. After awhile its like ok you're not worth my time and DEF not worth my good-good! LOL. Like you said death to regrets...hell, he's gotta be worth the memory.
