Listen to the click of my heels, make out my beat! ...Take a look at my exterior, tell me what you see! Live through my poems, dissect my speech! ...But do keep in mind, none of these define me! - SincereLee, Tierra


I'm just tired! Can I vent?!

I’m just tired of this epidemic of disrespect...of this game that I NEVER agreed to play! Tired of the inconsistency, the lies, the secrets, the fucking AUDACITY that some have. [It’s time to stop guessing, for a second..Lord knows, I'm tired of that too]. I’m tired of putting out to get squat in return or half of half. I’m tired of harboring feelings for a man who couldn’t give a bit of shit about me [my siblings call him dad]. I’m not really tired of them [the citizens of Mars], I’m simply tired of them being like him. I’m tired of almost getting mad [‘cuz you know humans aint supposed to go there] I’m tired of being afraid, of insecurity. && so what if I want to make a complaint, although I’m tired of having reasons to complain, THIS IS MY BLOG and don’t even think about calling me a victim. I’m nothing of the sort. I’m just tired x 12, therefore making me SICK&&TIRED of people stressing my life’s path. I have a destination! I’ll call you when I get there. Or maybe you can read about it, since I’m soo not good at staying in touch. I'm tired of that argument too. && I'm tired of young ppl dying. I mean I know death is inevitable but damn...[RIP Javier].

I just got tired of being tired because honestly…our days are numbered. One has no clue when he/she will head home so I think the best remedy for this ailment is to WAKE THE HELL so many ways..for so many reasons!



  1. girrrrrlllll amen ! times like that make me happy i have a blog where i can let loose and i don't have to hear any lip from anybody !

  2. Seriously J. I felt like I was gonna pop. && some things aren't open for discussion so when you need to let it out, it's better to write.

  3. i totally understand you honey, it sucks sometimes
