Listen to the click of my heels, make out my beat! ...Take a look at my exterior, tell me what you see! Live through my poems, dissect my speech! ...But do keep in mind, none of these define me! - SincereLee, Tierra


NYE 2009

NYE-2007: I stayed @ home w. Mommy. I wasn't old enough to get into any of the hot spots anyway so it was w.e.

NYE-2008: I called myself goin to a club w. my girls & co. and was literally watching the plasma that was playing NY1 for most of the night [NEVER AGAIN!]

NYE-2009:[???] I was going hard about doing something this NYE but honestly, I no longer care. I had plans to get all cute: cute dress, which would include new shoes and a hair-do. I've concluded that to be an unnecessary waste of money, not to mention I have a birthday which I'll need to do the same exact thing for. [SIGH]....I can't!

The clubs are a buck & change to get in and although I have the funds, I have to be mindful of others and of the fact that I may not even enjoy myself. [Do you know how sick I would be?!]
I was invited to several events by my guy friends but my decision is a blurr.

I think I may buy some bubbly and pop champagne w. the mama.




..::Shoe Lust::..

While on the prowl for the latest fashionista, I came across a few pics of my girl Christina Milian. Now, you'll rarely see me write about celebrities unless I truly feel their OVAH! & lately Chris Mil has been holding her own in the style department.


In the pics [above & below], Chris and her long time beau are
color coordinated. I usually think it's rather tacky but I'm finding
something cute about it.

What I love most are the shoes!

I unfortunately can't tell you who made them but my guess is either
Ceasar Paciotti or Pierre Hardy. [I could be wrong twice :/]





During an attempt to jot down what she feels
she thinks...

"The worst thing about loving is not being able to write about it"
Emotions collide like cars on the street
and through all of the noise she can hear her heart beat
to the tune of her loving you
the bass of the hate
she hates that she's in love w. you
& wants to let go
she hates that it's a struggle
and more so that you know
she feels that there's a reason
there's something you're not saying
she hates that she's upfront w. you
she feels that you are playing
& to think...
she thought "the worst thing about loving is not being able to write about it"
I'd say the worst has to be, loving and not being right about it.

Am I Wrong?

I Need...

  • to be hugged :) or simply held
  • ...whats a hug w.o a kiss-xoxo
  • space
  • strength & continued willpower
  • love?
  • motivation
  • a new attitude
  • someone to pick up the remains of those who are to be nipped
  • to be taken serious

& I kinda need this by 12.31.08...01.01.09 the latest.


What She Craves

Idk what's bigger, my appetite for food or my appetite for fashion. I honestly think that I'd need someone to pop my hands from time to time if I was rich. lol. I see things and get insanely excited. & don't let me have a few ends to kill...MADNESS!

but anyway...

I'm sort of searching for the sweetest NYE fit and I have some good ideas but while on the hunt, I came across They have great pieces, some are a bit pricey but there's a bunch that I thought were worth it.

One thing that I absolutely loved were the accessories. I've been dying for a statement piece to throw on my neck for the loooongest and they have plenty, all of which are very unique.
The only problem is....$$$! They range from about 118-probably 200 or a little less but still.......WHY SO MUCH?!

Here's some HOT PICS!

Woven Yarn Necklace - $173

Ruffle Gold Neck Piece - $119

Red Ruffle Neck Scarf - $118

Leatherette Ruffle Scarf - $136

Love is Blind - $187

Feather Collar - $173

I love them all. The feathers are a bit drastic, but they're still a go for me. I mean, it's an easy way to add umph to a simple outfit.



It's CHRISTMAS...I hope you guys enjoy! It seems that as you get older holidays begin to lose its touch. I sort of wish I had a little brother or sister to shower w. gifts so that I could watch their faces light up lol.




" Late dawns and early sunsets, just like my favorite scene.
Then holding hands and life was perfect, just like on the screen."
-My Chemical Romance
I live for Sunsets!!


My Take on The Hills Finale

As I was watching tonight's episode of The Hills, I began to get really emotional. For those of you that are familiar with the cast, Heidi and Lauren finally had a conversation after idk how long and it really touched me. They were once Best Friends and because of Heidi's decision to follow her bf who Lauren could not stand, amongst other things, they were forced to call it quits. Heidi tries to squeeze back in but once being heartbroken, Lauren isn't really that easy to win over.

Audrina and Justin Bobby went on a little weekend getaway and for the first time Justin Bobby expressed his feelings to Audrina. For the longest he's been the biggest jerk, as most guys are, and although he's not her boyfriend she's been dealing with it. He basically expressed that he's never had the type of connection that they have with anyone else and that he hopes it lasts as long as it can. "I'm happy to have you."

Both situations had me sitting in front of my television like a crybaby. Idk when this all started but I was never one to get choked up. I guess it comes with growth [shrugs shoulders] but I felt really strong about both relationships. I grew up an only child so all I know is to be alone and I think in some sense it affects the way I build relationships with others. I don't really have that Best Friend that I can say I knew forever and she's like my we do everything together, she knows my life story etc. I'd like that but I don't have that. I have a friend that I knew since birth [like literally]. She knows a good deal about me and we've pretty much gone to the same school until jhs but I feel the years you spend in hs are the years that mold you into the individual that you are today. I can't really say that she was apart of that. I went on to hs meeting new people and forming new friendships while she went on and did the same. When we see each other we're always full of laughter and refer to each other as bff's but idk... that just doesn't seem to be the reality of our situation anymore. Close friends, yea. Best Friends...maybe not.

As for the relationship that Justin and Audrina has, I suppose it touched me because I felt her "struggle". She loves this guy and I doubt that he didn't know but he didn't reciprocate it nor did he even show her an ounce of respect. It's a hurtful thing to feel strongly about someone and not get anything back in return. As girls we grow up reading fairytales where the girl is rescued by the prince and then as women we learn that life isn't always that easy. You will love w.o being loved and then you'll share love. Justin and Audrina still aren't together but they have a bond and an understanding which allows that situation to be ok. It took her a minute to get that much out of him and I finally feel that she now has an incentive to keep holding on to see whether or not there's more to come.

However, I need to know... If you can't change something, should you accept it? If you accept it, have you failed? or are you only setting yourself up for failure anyway by attempting to alter a fixed situation?


Kindness Goes A Long Way

When I went into work on Saturday I was highly anticipating the end of my shift being that I knew I wouldn't be working the next day. It was just one of those days where I simply wasn't up for much but I put a smile on my face anyway.
As soon as I got in, my co-worker through a sell my way which was very sweet of her and usual I was her mannequin.
She's about 5'1 and being as though I'm nearly 5'8 she uses me to model the clothes for her customers. So, I modeled this shirt for a guy customer of hers because his gf was actually my height and size. He wound up getting the shirt. He helped me with some jackets that I modeled for him as well and he wound up getting those also. I didn't think much of what I was doing, I mean it's nothing to throw on a piece to help them make their decision. I do it and go about my business. I went on to help the other ladies in the store and concentrated more on my sales.
I didn't see the guy when he left but I did see when he returned, not really noticing what he held in his hand. I was singing and folding clothes, completely in my own world when he approached me with the most prettiest flowers. Red Lilies [lilies are my favorite!]. It was so shocking. I really didn't know what to say. I thanked him and gave him a hug because I thought the gesture was beyond sweet. They weren't flowers from off of the street but from a floral shop, long stem and all. I'm like really? lol...for me? He didn't even buy any for my coworker who helped him and he was her customer.
This was the first time that I've ever received flowers and it's something that I've always wanted from a guy. Of course there was no romantic connection with me and this fellow but the fact that he was such a gentleman is what I loved the most. I appreciate the small things. Although my coworker didnt receive the flowers, I guess you can say that we both got the green, seeing as though she got the sale lol.
Just thought I'd share...

Rightfully So...

It's only right that I introduce myself, or reintroduce myself for I am nothing new to the world of blogging. I've had ThoughfulLee, which was my introduction to blogging and with a friend I have ReAlyTi which I love but unfortunately it has restrictions. I write about fashion, music and anything else that comes to mind but nothing sincerely from the heart. I don't do so because it is a shared blog and I find that very inappropriate. I am not only knowledgeable on labels, fashion isn't the only thing that makes my heart beat. Get to know me.

SincereLee, Tierra