Listen to the click of my heels, make out my beat! ...Take a look at my exterior, tell me what you see! Live through my poems, dissect my speech! ...But do keep in mind, none of these define me! - SincereLee, Tierra


Flicks fr.. Tenjune :)

we had a BL-I-DAST!!!



  1. Observation Recollection: Weren't those shoes in one of your polyvore sets back in the day? :D

  2. & Shirt Custo?!
    If it is I have it, but I'mma return it. (when?if I find the recipt) I dont like it anymore lol :D

  3. Yes indeed!- to both! ...which shop did you go to??

  4. Im silly for asking that - you had to have gotten it from Spring, where I work. Broome is the outlet store - they don't sell new collection

  5. Oh lol well, IDK it was my first time ever going to that store, heard about it but didnt/dont know too much. My cousin shops there alot and went there with her. That's her store! lol
